Saturday, January 2, 2010


So let’s just for fun say there is this guy named Bob. Bob wants to be happy. Bob grows up and learns stuff. He learns principles of truth, or in other words: that things are true consistently in different situations. Bob learns these things through trial and error; and lets emphasis the word trials. He has struggle, be through it he grows—or in other words evolves. He grows and evolves from a infant to a whiny kid to a annoying pre-teen to a punk teenager to a young adult who is looking for more truth and purpose. So again. Trials, growth, evolution, truth, and now purpose.

Here he comes to a problem. What is the purpose of Bob? He looks into different things. All kinds of things. He can’t really find complete purpose for Bob in anything material. He also has a hard time finding purpose in things that he is unable to see or believe. So Bob has to search. He finds stuff he likes and forms beliefs. He believes things through his experience—trials and error; and trial and success. He begins acting on these beliefs he has. Bob builds faith—or actions based on his beliefs (which by the way are formed through his trials and errors)—and then begins exercising that faith by acting on principles of truth; which is cool because when good thing comes from his actions he is more likely to trust in that principle of truth.

So Bob—using faith—does some things that seem ridiculous: he wakes up early on Sundays and goes to 3 hours of people telling him how to believe. He finds truth there so he likes it. He starts caring for others more than himself. He eventually decides to trust in some of the principles that others have taught him and let’s a guy put him under some water then lift him back up. But funny thing, afterwards Bob’s life improves and he finds more purpose. He starts to understand that these rather ridiculous things called rituals, can teach Bob more principles of truth and end up making Bob more happy.  Bob understands that the ritual is not what important but what it teaches and how it effects his life. So he does some of these rituals and he learns more and more about himself and those things he can’t see.

Bob is very smart. So he wants to learn a lot about the things he can see and understand. He studies a lot and learns amore about the world around him. He begins to see a connection between what he learns about the world and the rituals that he agreed to take part in. So he studies more. This leads him to want to make a difference and change things in the world around him. So bob begins to create—at fist essays, then fun dates to go on, then stories, then a good job situation, then art, then movies, then friendships, then money, then romantic relationships, then ideas, and then Bob realizes that creating stuff makes him and others happy. He uses the skills he has learned and the knowledge he has obtained to create. But eventually Bob wants to create something more meaningful, more lasting and important than just art, or money, or even new ideas.

So Bob marries a girl and he creates a family with her—kinda like his parents had done before. Bob continues to learn and grow. But now Bob has a family, wife kids the whole shebang. And again life gets hard and he has new trials. His wife and kids are going through the same stuff Bob is and went through. So he is worried about them. He realizes that he can help his family by teaching and learning truth from them. He teaches each of his kids about purpose differently and sometimes his advice applies and sometimes it doesn’t. But his kids begin to figure things out for themselves, with help from Bob and his wife. Bob begins finding more purpose in his family. but then his family starts growing up and having their own families.

Bob now is smart enough to understand a problem. Everybody dies, including Bob. Bob doesn’t really know what happens after you die, but he has his beliefs based on what he has learned and how he feels about it. He begins to embrace the fact he will die. His purpose in life has changed again and again, and now Bob realizes that the purpose of existence is happiness; not just for himself but for others. It’s hard for Bob to make himself and others happy all the time, because Bob knows that part of life is trial and error, and sometimes the trials that make Bob and his family the unhappiest at the time, turn out to give a lot of happiness later.

So Bob tries to pass on some of what he has learned and continues to find joy in creating and in his family and in finding principles of truth. He thinks long and hard about where he came from before he has born, and how we all got here and just the whole question of existence. He then relies on that faith thing he has been using sometimes. He starts to trust in some of the things that Bob learned in those rituals he did, and remembers that they taught him about life after death. He is still scared and sad to die; because death is still scary to Bob and he doesn’t want to leave his family.

But Bob dies. But he continues to exist, which makes Bob very happy. He realizes that after you die you still exist. You just don’t have that body. Bob is happy and at peace because he remembers the rituals and what they taught him. Bob is a spirit or in other words an intelligence without a body. He is happy but can’t grow as much because he died and his mortal experience was what let him grow the most. So pretty soon Bob wants his family again, and what’s cool is that they start dying too (yeah I said cool), and Bob is able to be with them again.

But now they all have a problem. They don’t have those bodies that they had before. They want their bodies back because it let them do things like eat, and create, and feel pleasure that they can’t have without that body. But it turns out that the creator of their spirits—or the creator of their intelligence—knew about this problem and through rituals allowed for all of them to get their bodes back. Bob realizes this guy who created his spirit is pretty cool and Bobs realizes he wants to become like hime. He calls him Dad because he created him. This dad is not unlike Bob’s Dad back in life. This new Dad has learned a lot and wants to share it with his children, and he is worries about them. He realizes that he can help his family by teaching truth to them. He teaches each of his kids about purpose differently and sometimes his advice applies and sometimes it doesn’t. But his kids began to figure things out for themselves, with help from this new dad and his wife, who Bob calls Mom, because he is her son. These new parents have found purpose and happiness and want to give it to others—most of all to their family. And it actually turns out that these new parents have bodies, which allows them to create and feel pleasure, and grow again. Bob is excited because now that he and his family have their bodies back, they can become like these new parents.

So Bob and his wife, bodies back and all, begin to learn about everything from their new parents. They learn how to create and control matter, how to teach principles of truth, how to find happiness and how to help others find happiness, and pretty much everything about the laws and nature of existence. They teach them how to deal with problems big and small. And soon, Bob and his wife decide they want to create some new children.

So they create spirits. And for a while they really enjoy this new family, because it gives Bob and his wife purpose. But soon they want more for their spirit children. So they decide as a family that they will let the children go and get a body through a mortal experience. So Bob, with his knowledge of matter and existence creates a world. He does so through the natural laws of science that govern pretty much everything. He then decides to put life on the world. Finally the world is ready to put his children on it. But again, there is another problem, these kids who would go down would have their agency and from that would come trials and mistakes and will eventually die. But Bob doesn’t see it as a problem, because he went through it all before and realizes that through rituals he can teach his children about principles of truth, even if they can see or understand everything that Bob does.

So Bob teaches his children very simply at first and as they continue to grow and learn, he gives them new ideas and rules. They learn and grow through trial and error. A lot of his children die and more of them continue to be born. Eventually Bob gives them all he can—knowledge and power—that they can have as normal mortal people. Then, through the laws of nature and through the power of the rituals—which aren’t that different from the laws of nature Bob realizes—he gives all his children their bodies back and begins to teach them everything he knows. He sees them progress and move on to create new children of their own. And bob is happy. Which in the end is the purpose that Bob was looking for anyway. Happiness.

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